Minggu, 14 Juni 2015


Name     : Mukti Wibowo
NPM      : 25212152
Class      : 3EB24

Six quick way to learn English :
1.      Reading Vocabulary
Not require time in years or many months to learn English. Enough to know the name of the object’s name or vocabulary in English related to daily activities. Then you will be able to speak English in a short time. Then diligently memorizing English vocabulary.

2.      Listen to English songs
Listen and enjoy again and again, then remember only spoken lyrics. If you are familiar with the melody and you’ve memorized the lyrics, Try to compare with the original lyrics. How much you are wrong ? if many, try and try again.

3.      Write all the things with the English language
Try from the simple to complex, for example you write the introductions them selves with the English language. Then type a message in English, and in the daily activities you are doing.

4.      Speaking in English full
Try to practice speaking English with a full to anybody and anywhere. Let’s just people around you Caucasians who are not using Indonesian and you are required to speak English. So you’ll get used to speaking English.

5.      Watching movies
Watch a western movie without the use of the English language subtitle Indonesian. If trouble, learn body language gestures of the film actor. One day watching a wetern movie without subtitles will train you ten times better in learning English.

6.      Do repeated
If you do this over and over again one day full English, then you will be fluent in English. Because the core learning the English language for everyday life when communicating with foreigners.
The benefits of learning English:
1.      Obtain a broader knowledge
English is an international language that is more commonly used in the world today. At present various kinds of knowledge written in English, if you understand English you will easily gain extensive knowledge.

2.      facilitate academic rate
if you are who already intend to reach your academic success, then it behooves you to take the energy and the time to learn English and other languages with which truly.
3.      Increase self competence
Someone who can speak English will certainly be respected by those around him. Because it is not easy to be proficient in English. if you have entered the world of work, then you could be employees who are considered essential role in a relationship with a foreign partner companies or clients.

4.      Easy to adapt to the new environment
Someone who is smart to speak will know and quickly learn about the use of language in the new environment he had flown, especially when English is a language with over 335 million speakers worldwide. When you travel to various places overseas the English language skills will make the trip more enjoyable and meaningful.


Name     : Mukti Wibowo
NPM      : 25212152
Class      : 3EB24
Global warming is increasing the earth's temperature caused by many things. Some examples include the causes of global warming greenhouse effect, waste of electrical energy and motor vehicle fumes. the annual volume of vehicles is increasing and making the air pollution that results in carbon dioxide emissions increase, while the number of existing forests and trees on the earth every day diminishing because of economic reasons, so that it can no longer absorb carbon dioxide.
Fuel use would actually have a negative effect on the environments. As I mentioned above that the use of a motor vehicle fuel will produce carbon dioxide which is toxic and can damage the environment. Carbon dioxide can damage the ozone layer in the sky. This ozone serves to protect the earth from ultraviolet rays and harmful solar radiation.
To retrieve the fuel required for the process of exploration. And the fuel is often located in the forest, and to take fuel perform the excavation process that requires the execution of clearing and destruction of forests. So if more fuel is taken the more extensive forest destruction on this earth. And it is this which gives a negative impact on the environment.
As a result of all this, the ozone layer which protects the earth becomes thinner. In fact, many experts and researchers reported that the ozone layer has been perforated. This is very dangerous because the ultra violet rays can cause many diseases for the human body, in addition to the ultra-violet rays cause increased temperatures on earth is causing rising sea levels and melting polar ice north.
We already know all that vast sea of ​​this earth is greater than the total land area. then by melting ice pole north will lead to increased volume of sea water, and the bias we imagine what would happen if all the land were no earth covered by seawater. How the fate of mankind may no longer life. Therefore let us stop it all.
Waste of electrical energy also resulted in global warming. Electrical energy that most of us use in our daily activities is a result of the combustion of petroleum or coal, in which the combustion produces carbon dioxide. Therefore from now on we have to conserve electricity, use electricity as needed for important things, and do not use electricity for things that are not necessary.
The greenhouse effect is also a result of global warming. The greenhouse effect is the process of warming the planet's atmosphere, the greenhouse effect caused by the reflected surface of the earth's heat is trapped by at atmosphere Gas, so it can not be passed out of space, but rather reflected back to the surface of the earth. The greenhouse effect has benefits for living things on earth, but if the excess can be harmful to life on Earth because it can affect and disrupt the climate.
The impact of global warming:
1.  Drought
A study conducted by a group of British climate scientists found that global warming will lead to major drought in 100 years. Drought certainly will trigger crop failures that will affect the world's population.
2. Epidemic of a disease
Climate change will cause a spike in a number of disease epidemics. Various viruses generally can not survive in cold temperatures. However, with the rise in temperature due to climate change, the virus which was only capable of growing in a tropical climate and then spread to other areas.
3. Flood
Climate change causes changes in weather patterns around the world. In recent years we have seen the phenomenon of massive flooding that hit many parts of the world.
4. Melting pole ice
Global warming causes melting of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions (South Pole). The temperature in this area has increased by about two to three fold. Polar ice has an important role in maintaining environmental balance. If the ice melts, the islands which are under the sea level would be in danger.
5. Fog
Increased temperatures due to global warming would make smog concentration in the atmosphere has increased. Increased smog will eventually lead to disease and death.
6. Fire Forest
Forest fires cause damage to ecosystems and infrastructure. Due to forest fires, the amount of release of carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas will also increase, which in turn exacerbate global warming.

To cope with global warming can be done by:
1. Alter Personal demeanour
Good action in addressing, reducing and preventing global warming is by changing human behavior or habits, because the understanding of global warming instilled since childhood will have a major impact for future generations. Here are some examples of behavior that can be done to address global warming include:
·         Save Electricity mostly of CO2 from power plants fueled. Thus if we downsize electricity then we can reduce the amount of CO2.
·         Planting Trees use CO2 for photosynthesis of plants, eating by planting trees in large numbers could be a solution to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere.
·         decrease use of car Car is the largest contributor to CO2 sources, should be anticipated by changing people's behavior. By not using private vehicles.
2. Manner Preventing Global Warming Collective
Attempts to prevent global warming can also be carried out simultaneously. Several steps can be taken include:
·         Using Alternative Energy Berbahn fuel power plants cultivated replaced with clean energy that are more environmentally friendly such as the sun, water, wind, and geothermal.
·         Preserving Forest community and the government must strive together to protect the forest from fires and illegal logging so that the forest area is not reduced.
·         Improving the quality of vehicles with emissions testing
3. To reduce carbon dioxide
To reduce the CO2 contained in the air dapt done with the following:
·         Planting and maintaining plants in large quantities. Because the plants will absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and will produce oxygen. Throughout the world the rate of deforestation is very high, while the plants that grow back very little, because the soil is not fertile. Step we can do is to do reforestation.
·         Replacing fossil fuels with alternative bakr materials, such as water, wind, and sunlight.
Therefore let us all mankind throughout world jointly maintain, protect and preserve the earth that we have this from environmental damage and global warming before it's too late Because there is only one earth if the earth is broken how we will live and how the fate of our children and grandchildren our future. I hope with writings can remind and bring awareness for all mankind to preserve our planet from global warming, finished and thank you.